What are Silverfish?
Silverfish are considered one of the oldest insects in the world. Going back hundreds of millions of years.
These ancient insects are gray or silver, and anywhere between half to one inch in length. Unlike most insects, silverfish is covered in skin over its adult life. In millions of years, silverfish scattered throughout the planet. Silverfish are also active at night, which is why they are common when you go to bed or wash your teeth.
Are silverfish harmful to humans?
Due to its appearance, people believe that silverfish are harmful. Here’s the good news: Silverfish are not known to bite, and there is no scientific evidence that silver are poisonous. Also, no pathogens that cause illness are known to be around Silverfish.
That said, some people have allergic reactions to them.
Silverfish release a silver mask during a process called “molding.” When they do this they leave the scales behind. Some may be allergic to dust from these scales.
How to identify Silverfish
Silverfishes are small insects with long thin bodies. They are usually are no more than three inches in length and have a silver-gray colour. Their bodies have no clear segmentation, and adults are covered with thin scales that look like fish scales. Predators easily identify their heads and three tail-shaped attachments on their shoulders.
They are smaller and lighter than cockroaches, and they only have a different shade of the same colour.
Silverfish have wrinkled legs, but do not let that fool you. They are capable of moving very fast. Our team at Control Pest Management are trained in spotting and exterminating Silverfish.
How many Silverfish do you have in your home?
While Silverfish do no hurt you, they can damage your stuff. These insects prefer diets with sugars and carbohydrates, so they will find cereals, books , paper, insulation, and clothing.
They will also enjoy fabric, newspaper, and cardboard. They will eat human hair that falls on the ground.
How to reduce Silverfish numbers
Silverfish are very common in the home . Unfortunately, it is difficult to make silverfish completely disappear, unless you have the professionals at Control Pest management on the job. If you don’t want your belongings to be ruined, here are some steps to help your home to be less attract silverfish:
- Restricting food sources, keeping raw materials (cereals, grains, cakes, and beans) and pet food in tight containers.
- Empty pantries
- clean floors and upholstery to help you reduce food availability regularly.
- Use dehumidifiers in wet areas to remove the moisture that attracts silverfish.
- Insulation correctly installed on roofs will reduce moisture.
- Mowing lawns will help keep water away from your home.
- Make sure the exterior of your home is painted.
- Open spaces must be appropriately sealed, including walls, ceilings, support poles and windows .
What helps get rid of Silverfish
Our Control Pest Management trained professionals will be able to identify and treat areas that are active in a residential area.
Do not let these creepy crawlers take over your house and damage your property. Contact Control Pest Management who have the experience to deal with the Silverfish in your home.
How serious are Silverfish problems?
1. It can cause allergies
Many silverfish present a dangerous risk to people and goods. They do not transmit disease, but pests cause allergies to some people.
2. It attracts other pests
3. It can cause personal damages
In the house, silverfish also eat grain and create large holes in clothes, upholstery or paper. In large numbers, they can cause a lot of damage.