Brisbane, Gold Coast and Gladstone

Do Midges Bite?

What are Midges?

Midges are a small winged fly that are generally seen near water in swarms. They have two wings which are pigmented and hairy. When at rest the midges wings remain flat with one crossed over the other. 

They breed near water and marshy areas. Among the numerous species of midges are Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae. Chironomidae are the biting midges while Ceratopogonidae are non-biting midges. Midges don’t have a sharp biting ability therefore  they cannot transmit diseases.

Only the female midges bite while the male survives by eating pollen and other plant material. The adult midges are gray and have some red appearance if they have recently bitten a warm-blooded animal or a human and had a feed. The type of midges which bite humans belongs to genus Culicoides. Control Pest Management are familiar with all the different types of Midges.

What are the different species of Midges?

There are many species of midges which exist all over the world. But believe it or not, there are 4,000 species of biting midges.

How big are Midges?

Adult midges are 1.5 to 4.0 mm long with short legs. Biting midges are tiny, ranging from 1-3 mm. Although their size is small, their bites are very itchy and annoying. Their bites sometimes can cause a reaction. Midges which feed on the blood of humans and mammals have dark patterns, which provide them a grayish look.

Do Midges bite?

There are more than 200 different species of biting midges found across Australia. But few of them can cause a severe reaction to humans. Biting midges mostly attack the exposed body in large numbers. Their bites can be very irritating.

Only a female midges bite, because they consume blood as a source of protein to develop their eggs. Female midges required a protein source to lay eggs. They hunt for blood to boost their protein supplies and consume it to lay eggs.

  • Only Female midges bite animals and humans
  • They needed protein for laying eggs
  • To lay eggs, they need more protein and hunt for blood to boost their protein supplies.
  • Female midges lay eggs on the surface of the water.
  • They live only for a short span of time and die within 3-5 weeks, and they are capable of flying for a short period of time.

Life Cycle of Midges

There are four different stages in the life cycle of midges. Midges lay eggs near a water source. Eggs are laid on the surface of the water. Depending on the type of species a nest can contain 3,000 eggs. Eggs drop down into the bottom and hatch within several days or in a week.

After leaving the nest, larva constructs a small tube in which they live. Mature larvae are generally called bloodworms. The larval stage ends within 2 to 7 days, depending on the temperature of the water. After a day larva transform into pupae but remain in the tube.

After three days pupae gradually swim to the water surface, and the adult comes out after several hours. Adult lives only for 3 to 7 days because they do not feed. In summer, the whole life cycle from egg to adult could be completed within several days to 3 weeks.

How to manage Midges?

  • It is impossible to get rid of midges completely, especially in rural areas
  • All the insects are attracted to dark clothing, so use white clothes and avoid the use of dark clothes especially in the evening.
  • Another way to keep them away is the use of bug spray or any other insects repellent spray.
  • Create a tap by pouring red wine into a jar to attract the midges
  • Pour some apple cider vinegar into a bowl or glass. Add some drops of liquid detergent into the vinegar. Set the bowl where the midges are. The midges will be attracted to the pot and die while attempting to land.
  • If you are dealing with a large number of infections Call Control Pest Management so that their professional, trained operators can assist you.
  • Cover any exposed skin with white clothes as far as possible.
  • Use repellent spray which can be effective against the midges and mosquitoes
  • If the midges bite feels severe, visit a medical doctor as soon as possible.
  • Call Control Pest Management so that their professional, trained technicians can assist you.

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