Brisbane, Gold Coast and Gladstone

What are ticks?

Ticks are small bloodsucking bugs. These are invertebrates with jointed legs and external skeleton, but they are neither spiders nor insects.

  • They look like a spider having eight legs.
  • Paralysis ticks have an oval shaped flat body that swells when they eat.
  • They live by consuming the blood of all kinds of animals, birds, and humans.
  • Ticks belong to a particular type of mites; all mites are not ticks, but all ticks are mites.

These are external parasites. Generally, a tick itself cannot enter into the skin its mouth part only breaks into the surface. Ticks require a blood feed to lay their eggs. They live on blood, and after a blood meal, they lay eggs. Ticks start to come out in spring Sep-Nov predominantly, but they also exist in the summer season.

Where do ticks live?

Ticks make their abode in wooded areas, plants, grasses, and gardens. They are found in all areas where there is potential for them to latch on to animals, walking by or sleeping. Ticks make their homes in large patches of yards, wood piles, tall grasses, and weeds. Most people are bitten while gardening, playing or doing some yard work outside of their house. They can also hitch a ride on animals such as dogs and cats.

Do All Ticks Spread Disease?

Here are some ticks that give illnesses to people:

  • Blacklegged tick, also called a deer tick
  • Paralysis tick
  • Deer Ticks
  • Western black-legged tick
  • Rocky Mountain wood tick
  • A wood tick is also known as American dog tick
  • Lone star tick
  • Gulf Coast Tick

Dangers of paralysis tick

Brown dog ticks and the paralysis ticks are the most general type of ticks commonly found on dogs. However, paralysis ticks are the highly dangerous ones.

  • The Paralysis tick causes paralysis.
  • A general case starts with weakness of the hindquarters that spreads to the paralysis of all four legs of dogs.
  • Another typical case sign includes vomiting, altered bark or meow.
  • Cats and dogs are in real trouble when their chest muscles or muscles of the throat become affected.
  • A pet may die when a paralysis tick infects

What are Symptoms of a Tick Bite

Tick bites usually produce no symptoms and are harmless. Although, if you are sensitive to the bites of ticks, you may experience

  • A rash
  • Difficult breathing, if severe
  • Pain or inflammation at the bite side
  • There is a burning sensation at bite side
  • blisters

Some ticks spread disease, which can transfer on when they bite. A tick-borne disease may cause symptoms in a wide variety. These symptoms become visible within several days or a few weeks after the bite of a tick. Tick-Borne disease symptoms include:

  • A headache
  • neck stiffness
  • A full body rash
  • weakness
  • A rash or a red spot near the bite site
  • fever
  • Ache or muscle or joint pain
  • chills
  • Nausea
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Seek medical treatment as soon as possible if bitten by a tick to figure out by any potential cure. The medical risk alone is good reason to call Control Pest Management to protect yourself and your family.

Life Cycle of Ticks

A female dog tick lays 4000 to 6500 eggs and dies. In a typical home environment, an unfed tick cannot survive even 24 hours. A tick may survive 2-3 days on wet clothes in a hamper. Depending upon the type of species the lifespan of a tick as little as two months to more than two years.

After the eggs hatched, the tiny little larva feeds on an appropriate host. After some day’s larva grownup into the larger nymph. The nymph lives by consuming the blood of the host and then develops into the larger adult. The female and male ticks feed and mate on the host. To continue the life cycle female tick falls to the ground to lay eggs.

How can ticks be prevented?

There are many preventatives  available in the market. Use an effective preventative which can be typically applied on the skin and around the neck of your pets. It represents a convenient method for the prevention of external parasites but can only be applied to dogs, the same treatment can not be applied to cats.

  • Don’t let the dirty laundry to be spread on the floor. If you suspect that the clothes are being infected by the ticks then never put them with other clothes just put straight away into the washing machine.
  • Wash dirty clothes in hot water
  • Clean house entirely including the corners of shelves, and vacuum all
  • To kill larva or eggs of ticks control Pest Management use pesticides specially designed for the getting rid of a brown dog tick.
  • Use light-colored protective clothing
  • Use a repellent spray just before going out.  Apply the repellent spray all over the body to effectively resist ticks.
  • To remove a tick apply a drop of oil directly on the tick, and it will separate itself rapidly. This fantastic natural remedy will help to kill or remove the ticks.
  • Get the experts from Control Pest Management to come and solve your Tick problems professionally.

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